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Homework w5-02
2014年6月15日星期日 18:14 0 Comment(s)

In pairs, find/take pictures exemplifying basic, non digital, and/or imaginary interactions for: 



-Shopping malls

#17 circumcision
2013年8月4日星期日 11:31 0 Comment(s)

The reason there is a post about this topic is because the print ads that I've chosen P1 W1Max 'Potong Campaign' is related to circumcision. It is not directly asking the audiences to 'potong' (cut) - which is circumcise but the creative ads use 'potong' (cut) in a twisted way. Which I personally think it is creative, funny but to certain people might find it offensive. Especially in Malaysia, a Muslim majority country are sensitive to some issues, for example 'alcoholic', 'sex/health', 'dress code', 'circumcision' and more. (And I had another post to discuss more about the ads in Malaysia - kind of like the do's & dont's ads in our country.)

What is circumcision?

In Islam circumcision is known as tahara which meaning purification. 

According to an article on BBC, it stated that Muslim are the largest single religious group to have circumcision of boys. And by circumcise, it means removal of the foreskin. (curiosity killed the cat, dont try to google image it. ...because I did. & it was ... awful .. Advice: just google translate it .)

Why circumcise?

The first reason is the statement of Muhammad: "Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honor for women."

The other reason of circumcise ritual is mainly to keep the cleanliness, to make sure there is no urine left on the body. Some Muslims believes that it is easier to keep the clean of the penis after the removal of foreskin, as urine will not get stuck there. Further more, the supporter of circumcision stated that it is better to circumcise as it will not collect/store the urine under the foreskin which may lead to a cancer.

In Malaysia, Muslim boys will usually get through the ritual, although it is not compulsory. And this ritual is a sign from a boy becoming an adult to Muslims. And even till today, this practice is still remains in our country(Muslims). :}

Extra information
There is also circumcision... for girls ;x 

I decided to share this little extra information here, because it is really interesting. At least I never know there is such thing not only guy but girlssssss. I discover it while I accidentally (curiosity killed the cat :/...) google image about 'foreskin' and google image have few categorize images on the top, one of them are Circumcision of girls. Which... gives me a short heart attack when I saw the images, and by looking at those images I literally feel the pain *no offends :x it did looks really hurt. Therefore, I will not share any pictures in this post. 

According to unicef estimates statistic shows that there are 70 million to 140 million of girls and women are circumcised. And this ritual is common in Africa, some countries in Asia, and the Middle East. 

 Why is circumcision of girls?

In some traditional society communities that still remain this ritual is because female sexuality is view as a potential threat to family horror, (run away with another man? that bring disgrace to the family as well? --just my personal thoughts). And for circumcision of girls, it is called 'cutting off the dirt' in Kembata-Tembaro.

From the research I found out a few reasons why women should circumcise.
i. Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women
ii. it makes a woman more enjoyable, provided that it is practised moderately
iii. the Prophet said that this makes woman more favourable and it is more agreeable for the husband
iv. to diminish her lust and to tone down the sexual desire of the woman.

Lastly, from my understanding by doing this ritual the main reason is to reduce the sexual desire of the woman in order to prevent family horror from happening. Well, thanks God that I do not have to go through this practice. Sorry but no offends, it just my personal opinions. It make no sense to me, cutting it off does not guarantee the family horror though.(?) It just bring lots of trauma to girls. may even cause psychological effects to the those who experienced it. Especially while I reading an article on NYTime a girl telling her experience she got circumcised when she was only 12 years old. A guy blindfolded her and some people helps to hold her legs wide then a woman circumciser just use a razor blade to slice it off. JUST LIKE THAT! And the girl was nearly bled to dead. :/ I think there are quite a number of people that bleed to dead, or get infection while waiting the wound to heal naturally.

Taken from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/islamethics/malecircumcision.shtml  [1]
http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/17/talking-female-circumcision-out-of-existence/?_r=0 [2]
http://www.light-of-life.com/eng/reveal/r5405et7.htm [3]
[1] A BBC documentary on islamic ritual, which is circumcision. Gives me some brief idea of what is it.
[2] A news report on NYTime about girls circumcision, which gives me extra knowledge in circumcision.
[3] Deeper into the meaning of why muslims do circumcision.

#16 iMap
2013年8月1日星期四 08:33 0 Comment(s)

This is just a throw-out-idea-iMap :)

Here is a mind map I did just to give myself a clearer image also a direction on how I will relate these into my blog posts & essay. And all of these will helps to analyze the ads better, for example cultural, I split it as one small category because it is interesting to interpret the ads in our 'Malaysian culture'. For instance, Celcom's ads 'Potong' might has the racial issue. Just look at the ads and my mind instantly connect it with 'Malay-potong-ahemm...' :X well, we know its like making fun of the tradition (?) of malays. And I remember one commercial video was banned because of the custom of the Chinese girl in the video was over-exposed, disgrace/not respecting the Malays.

Intertextuality , I think it really helps on analyzing the ads as I always have that thoughts going on my mind whenever I see a similar ads or an significant object in d ads it will tells me more about what is this ads is all about. (I might be wrong, but no harm trying hahaha) :D

#15 Chosen ads campaign research
2013年7月31日星期三 04:20 0 Comment(s)

P1 W1Max ads - 'Cut already Campaign?'

This advertisement was no doubt very eye-catchy, and in certain point this ads was successfully. It raise more than 40% surge in new 4G p1 w1max subscribers. This creative ads was created by P1 together with Creative Juice-Sil, and they claims that this ads has no intention of offending anyone. The chief executive officer Michael Lai of P1 also stated that the text 'potong' is not relating to any other things only pitching the idea of cut the cost, wire and line.

'The creativity is more edgy from that perspective. We are a challenger brand; we definitely have our brand DNA and we will do something to promote the brand, which is cutting edge and pushing boundaries', said Michael Lai to StarBizWeek in an interview.

He said that P1 is a challenger brand, which kinda make sense now. Because P1 has a big challenger in the same field, which is Tm streamyx. This shows that P1 is challenging Tm streamyx subscribers to cut the line, cut the cost and use their broadbrand instead. And by increasing 40% of subscribers in P1 4G w1max also has affected on Tm streamyx, therefore sooner Tm streamyx launch the new wireless broadband - unifi.

There is other reasons that make it so succesful as it run across many media including newspaper, Tv and radio. It has made a big impact on marketing since it was launched in the September. The radio ad even won a bronze award in Kancil Awards. Further more, the CEO of P1 said that, 'It grabbed the attention of our target segment, gave them a solution for a pain they were experiencing, had a strong call-to-action to cut the wires, cut the cost and cut the lag. And it captured the P1 brand essence of being fun, innovative, impactful and a little cheeky.'

In this statement, he again stress on the point that 'cut the wires, cost and lag' & p1 4g w1max is the solution to the pain that consumers are experiencing (which probably referring to the subscribers of Tm streamyx).

At last, regardless the creativity on the ads this campaign has also been viewed as 'vulgar' or insulting to women.

Lil Ads analysis
Denotation 1- Potong
Connotation 1-  (innocence way) cut wire, cut charges, cut lag = giving a message to change the internet broadband to their brands
Connotation 2- circumcision

So during the consultation, lecturer said that to people who know nothing about Islamic culture might not get the second connotation of the ads. To people that might not get to the second connotation, after watching this video below 'Potong Saga' will get to the second connotation. Although the ads is trying to distract audiences potong the wire/lag/cost isnt anything else, but we still can associate it with circumcision.

Another point is the visual of the ads, (I've seen chinese/cantonese verson, english version) the model in the ads is usually macho male with an aggressive facial expression holding a garden scissor cutting off the wire. Why using the macho male in this campaign? Isit because the more macho the guy is, the more he scares of circumcision? And why is it the wire is position on the crotch of the male model? Even though the text is distracting us to cut lag and stuff, but we still can see its really hinting to circumcision .

Lastly, I was wondering, why the print ads in chinese newspaper the text is in Cantonese? Well, not really Cantonese, but it's Malaysian Cantonese. So I am making a assumption that this chinese print ads are targeted chinese that are mainly stay at Kuala Lumpur, Selangor those city, or town area. It's because chinese that can speak Cantonese are majority from these places, and some minority places such as Johor Bahru are very rare % that chinese there can speak Cantonese.

15 Malaysia 'Potong saga'

Radio ads (Cantonese version)

Radio ads (Bahasa version)

Not sure why cant share more than 2 or 3 videos within a same post. lol so I put a link here :}

Radio ads (English version)

A short lil slideshow about P1 Social Media Initiatives

Further reading http://unstructured-ramblings-of-the-ghost.blogspot.com/2009/11/whats-wrong-with-potong-whats-so.html  [1]

Taken from: http://www.thestar.com.my/story.aspx?file=%2F2009%2F11%2F21%2Fbusiness%2F5109860&se
http://khookaypeng.blogspot.com/2009/10/p1-wimaxs-sudah-potong-advertisement.html [2]

Sldieshares [3]
[1] A further reading of what is wrong with the tag line of P1 ads.
[2] Explore the case study and what the news talks about it.
[3] Slideshare is a websites that share various of  good and easy-understanding slides online, that helps me a lot to understand/flash back things in just few minutes.

#14 Company researh

Some background research on the company

P1 as known as Packet One Networks (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. It was launch on August 18, 2008. It's a subsidiary of Green Packet Bhd, a global developer of Next Generation Mobile Broadband Networking Solutions. P1 is also the first telecommunications company which offers the country widest WiMAX network.

i. To be the leader in wireless broadband industry
ii. In order to reach that status, the company are now putting more efforts on spreading the wireless broandband  connectivity across the country to capture more market.
iii. To bridge the digital divide by making access to the internet universal yet affordable for every Malaysian.
iv. Realizing the nation goal which is provide a Broadband for All.

Taken from: http://www.studymode.com/essays/Case-Study-Of-P1-309947.html
Research on the company background & visions.

#13 Case study 'Potong Stim'

The latest ads launch by P1 'Potong Stim' campaign

To me it's kind of like the continue of 'Potong' campaign, maybe P1 wish to get as much attentions as the first campaign? :} Compare with the previous ads, this ads are obviously targeted people that have at least basic social status , age group around 20 years old above, those who already have that income to support them to own a car, house and getting married have child. While the previous ads are more personal (single person) based. There are also some people think that P1 ads are getting vulgar (p*rn-ier). It has gone too p*rn to get the attentions of the audiences.

'Potong Stim' is Malaysian english, and even when it appears in chinese version, this keywords remain the same instead of translated it into chinese. It is because 'potong stim' is something that very common in our local daily conversations, it can means 'anticlimax', the sudden cut of climax. Especially that ads in chinese version, the texts are 'your children insists to share the romantic night with you (parent), potong stim lo!' it is like giving audiences an impression that 'romantic night' is referring to s*x? Yes, P1 is using sex sells tactics in their latest ads. (LOL) And why is this related to their P1 products?  WHY. I will try to break it down the meaning using denotation and connotation.

Denotation - Potong stim
Connotation 1- Internet speeds lag or slow. Change to theirs broadband .
Connotation 2- Not satisfy with the current sex life? Change...

 But again it try to distract us with the texts on the side, that shows the statistic of how many percentage of people are not satisfy with doggle at home.

Taken from: http://amranfaisal.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/p1-is-getting-vulgar-now/

[1] A different perspective to look at the ads from another person's point of view.

#12 Sensitivity in Malaysia - things not to do on/promote with ads

Malaysian adolescents view of controversial ads

There are three broader categories of controversial products, which are..
-alcoholic bevarages
-products directed at children
-health/sex-related products

Some suggested a foue category grouping ..
-gender/sex-related products
-social/political groups
-addictive products
-health and care products

Why do we have such prohibition?

This prohibition has to achieve racial and national harmony in Malaysia. And the ads code in our country is mainly influenced by Islamic values.  The laws are meant to ensure that mass media content is acceptable to Islamic principle and values.

Dress codes 

Other than that, there are also things not to portray in the advertisements/commercial for example dress codes of the models posing. From a book Interactive Media: The Semiotics of Embodied Interaction has explain that dress codes is about the important of how people dress up according to particular situations. 

Here is one example of Raya Ramadan tv commercial that got banned, because many of the Muslim citizens felt insulted and not happy with it and they voices out to that Tv channel to forces it to banned. It says this ads is too westernize, unIslamic, and Satanic. 

it is deemed to be too westernized, un-Islamic and Satanic! - See more at: http://www.tekkaus.com/2010/09/tv3-hari-raya-aidilfitri-banned.html#sthash.4Rjydx3M.dpuf
it is deemed to be too westernized, un-Islamic and Satanic! - See more at: http://www.tekkaus.com/2010/09/tv3-hari-raya-aidilfitri-banned.html#sthash.4Rjydx3M.dpuf
it is deemed to be too westernized, un-Islamic and Satanic! - See more at: http://www.tekkaus.com/2010/09/tv3-hari-raya-aidilfitri-banned.html#sthash.4Rjydx3M.dpuf
it is deemed to be too westernized, un-Islamic and Satanic! - See more at: http://www.tekkaus.com/2010/09/tv3-hari-raya-aidilfitri-banned.html#sthash.4Rjydx3M.dpuf

O'neil, S. (2008) Interactive Media: The Semiotics of Embodied Interaction. London: Springer, p. 70. [1]
Taken from: http://www.academia.edu/1863723/35_Attitudes_towards_offensive_advertising_Malaysian_Muslim_vuews [2]
Taken from: http://www.tekkaus.com/2010/09/tv3-hari-raya-aidilfitri-banned.html [3]
[1] Get to know what is dress code, and why people dress that way in different situations.
[2] Besides the slideshows, there is a detailed version of the attitudes towards offensive ads in Malaysian Muslims view.
[3] Explore the case study of the Ramadan banned video on TV3