❥ 2. The process of communication
What is Shannon & Weaver's model of communication process?
In 1948, Shannon and Weaver both of them join together to write an article called as "Shannon-Weave model of communication". This particular model is specially designed to develop the effective communication between sender (T) and receiver (R). "Noise" is the factor which affects the communication process.
The eight key elements
Within the model exist eight key elements that are necessary for communication, or information transmission, to occur. These elements are ...
♥ Sources - the initiator, or origin, that puts the model into action
♥ Encoder - specific format of the message (suitable format for later interpretation)
♥ Message - the information
♥ Channel - the route that message travels on
♥ Decoder - to interpreted
♥ Noise - the distortion that changes the initial message
♥ Receiver - takes in the message that sources sent out
♥ Feedbacks - reply to the sources what they have received
Basic communication model example
1. The girl stimulation that results in a thought 2. Encoding of the thought into a message 3. Transmission of the message over a communication channel 4. Decoding of the message by the recipient into a thought 5. Internalization of the message by the recipient
Taken from: http://jou55online.livejournal.com/1206.html
Practical example of Shannon-Weaver's process of communication
1. Sources - I thought to feed my puppy
2. Encoder - take a scoop of dog food
3. Channel - bowl
4. Decoder - puppy eats it
5. Receiver - puppy received a scoop of dog food
6. Feedbacks - poop ;D
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